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Smilies and more!

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#1 Secret Igshar

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Posted 28 March 2011 - 10:42 PM

We've gotten twelve new smilies, with more potentially to come at a later date should I or someone else come across any more awesome ones like these. These twelve were gotten from this talented deviantart member~

To use them, just put two colons :example:, one on either side of the following words~


If anyone has ideas on smilies to add to the site, feel free to suggest them here. <3


Kingroy: ( 4:40 PM - 02/10/14) u can't own black people

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#2 Xanius


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Posted 01 April 2011 - 03:28 AM

I simply adore some of these smiles. Especially the :shock: and :bird:

Nice job on finding them Ig. :3 I'll be sure to look around for any that I find to be a nice addition to what we have.



#3 Reservoir



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Posted 01 April 2011 - 06:35 AM

You are so. so. image-happy. I cannot bring myself to understand it.

To be honest, most of these smilies bother me for some reason. I think the only one that I don't mind is :sad:.
I guess the happy and love ones (maybe the excited one, too) are cute and perhaps I don't mind them. However, most of these make me think of immature or annoying morons or something. Again, I'm just being honest. Or maybe I'm just too irritable recently.
I have had too many experiences on forums of people who are total idiots or so and seem to top it off with smilies like these a lot of the time.

Anyway, if other members like them, then that's good, though. I suppose...

I have no suggestion to offer you, though. I'm just here posting my opinion...

Yeah, I think I'm just too irritable... ;-; Sorry. Yay for the new smilies... ^__^;

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#4 Secret Igshar

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Posted 05 April 2011 - 01:31 PM

So, hey guys. In addition to the above smilies, I've installed a "shadow" code, which essentially blocks out text from being read without highlighting it. It looks something like .

The following code:

This is green!
Hex codes work, too!


This is green!
Hex codes work, too!



In the shoutbox, where space is limited, posting a spoiler tag is quite irritating in terms of hiding spoiler content. If you use shadow tags, they are unobtrusive and elicit the same effect, and they require merely a highlighting of the text.

PS. If you spoil content in the shoutbox, do not complain if a moderator edits shadow tags into your shout. :> Thanks. <3




Kingroy: ( 4:40 PM - 02/10/14) u can't own black people

Kingroy: ( 4:40 PM - 02/10/14) #ThanksLincoln

#5 Reservoir



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Posted 05 April 2011 - 01:49 PM

So, hey guys. In addition to the above smilies, I've installed a "shadow" code, which essentially blocks out text from being read without highlighting it. It looks something like .

Oh, wow. O.o
This is pretty nifty and really cool.
I see where this is indeed very useful for the shoutbox as you said, but also in other places. If I'm ever posting in a thread and have something spoiler-ish that I want to say or add to a sentence that contains common knowledge-info, I can just use these shadow tags. :3 Adding a random spoiler instead would interrupt my normal block of text to make a bulky box that might not be necessary for just a small note. :< Et cetera, et cetera.

Nice addition! :3

It's cool seeing codes like this, imo. I only ever run into the most basic things when on different sites or looking up a list of BBcode, so I didn't even realize that there were things like this out there. o-o
Where do you find all of this stuff?? Do you have a link to a list of different codes/tags/whatever that I may have? @.@

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#6 Secret Igshar

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Posted 05 April 2011 - 02:05 PM

It's cool seeing codes like this, imo. I only ever run into the most basic things when on different sites or looking up a list of BBcode, so I didn't even realize that there were things like this out there. o-o
Where do you find all of this stuff?? Do you have a link to a list of different codes/tags/whatever that I may have? @.@

Adding new BBcodes is as simple as finding the HTML code that produces the desired effect. That's how we have embedded youtube videos, this shadowed text, [pkmn] tags, etc, etc. As I'm sure you're aware, HTML is capable of doing just about anything you can imagine, if you use the right codes. When someone suggests an effect that would be cool for text, I go look up HTML to make that effect happen and I, well, make it happen. I know a small bit of HTML coding, so that helps in searching out what I am looking for.

I usually just google HTML ____ tag and I get a nice site that shows different elements of different HTML tags and what you can do with them.


Kingroy: ( 4:40 PM - 02/10/14) u can't own black people

Kingroy: ( 4:40 PM - 02/10/14) #ThanksLincoln

#7 Xanius


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Posted 09 April 2011 - 11:10 AM

Shadow Text is nice. It's great for a lot of threads where you only want to have like a word or so spoiled and don't want some huge ass spoiler box taking up a ton of space. I also love the fact that we can change it to any color. :3 Nice find Iggy.



#8 Waker



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Posted 20 August 2013 - 02:25 AM

There's some bbcode/html code talk here so...


how do you work the imgfloat code, again? I tried it with my sig with

[imgfloat=right]insert url[/imgfloat]
but it output
11vpmw8.jpg;" src="right" />
instead of having the image to the right of the text.


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— General Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord