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#221 Secret Igshar

Secret Igshar

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Posted 19 April 2013 - 08:15 AM

The ROW function just returns the row value for whatever its argument is. INDIRECT just turns text strings into cell references. How I have it, if you're going from level 10 to 15, what happens is the INDIRECT turns "10 to 15" into a cell reference of the form A10:A14 (which is just a column array). The ROW function then turns that into a number array 10:14, which the SUM function then sums over. It does the formula for 10, adds on the formula for 11, etc etc all the way to 14 (since then after doing the formula for 14 you'd be level 15, so there's no reason to do the formula for 15, I don't think?). I mean if your formula works, too, then go for that instead? With excel you don't ever need to actually figure out formulas for things if you turn it into an array formula. It's definitely a good skill to try and get under your belt, regardless. :>


Kingroy: ( 4:40 PM - 02/10/14) u can't own black people

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#222 Waker



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Posted 20 April 2013 - 05:11 PM

The ROW function just returns the row value for whatever its argument is. INDIRECT just turns text strings into cell references. How I have it, if you're going from level 10 to 15, what happens is the INDIRECT turns "10 to 15" into a cell reference of the form A10:A14 (which is just a column array). The ROW function then turns that into a number array 10:14, which the SUM function then sums over. It does the formula for 10, adds on the formula for 11, etc etc all the way to 14 (since then after doing the formula for 14 you'd be level 15, so there's no reason to do the formula for 15, I don't think?). I mean if your formula works, too, then go for that instead? With excel you don't ever need to actually figure out formulas for things if you turn it into an array formula. It's definitely a good skill to try and get under your belt, regardless. :>

Not math related, but can arrays work with multiplying the number of crystals required with the price for each type of crystal?


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— General Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord

#223 Secret Igshar

Secret Igshar

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Posted 20 April 2013 - 07:09 PM

SUMPRODUCT does an inner product between two target arrays. It multiplies corresponding elements of the targeted ranges and then adds all of those results together.


Kingroy: ( 4:40 PM - 02/10/14) u can't own black people

Kingroy: ( 4:40 PM - 02/10/14) #ThanksLincoln