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Flash drive troubles

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#1 Dexel Hydagara

Dexel Hydagara


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Posted 05 August 2012 - 03:15 PM

This has been drivin' me crazy all day today. I got a 4 GB Sandisk thumbdrive/flashdrive/whatever you wanna call it just yesterday. Now, on the laptop (which runs Windows 7) there has been absolutely no problems with the flash drive, but once I move it onto this computer (runs Windows XP), it registers, but any attempts at trying to move stuff onto it results in massive slowdown and ultimately fails.

Sometimes I can't even get to the file, sometimes I manage to move some things in only for it to read that the device cannot be found. Now, for the last 4 hours or so, maybe longer, I've been trying to find some way to make this work, but I've had little success. It at least registers the flash drive now, but I can't do anything with it.


#2 Waker



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Posted 05 August 2012 - 03:50 PM

Try this Hotfix for Windows XP that adds support for SDHC cards that have a capacity of more than 4 GB or this https://www.facebook...os/256671159995


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— Mark Twain


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— General Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord