This was a nice little presentation worth ten of your minutes or less. Never clicked on any the blue words for sources but its worth a read to make sure what it does talk about you are no longer misinformed. I already knew most of this, but in my discussions with people I was surprised how many didn't know a similar 10 year had been passed or what's the difference between assault rifles and assault weapons and why banning certain guns or cosmetics is ridiculous and an injustice toward's our God-given freedom.
Excuse me for a moment while I tell you to stop with your silly talk. Allow me to entertain your religion for a time to call you on your stupid. God did not create firearms. God did not write the Bill of Rights. God had absolutely nothing to do with the current state of guns outside of His creation of Adam and Eve 6000 years ago. I despise when people bring religion into politics. If that's your justification here, kindly see yourself out. Thanks.
I was not aware of the information in that link, though, so thanks for that. :>
Now, on topic, I don't agree with any further ban on guns. I do agree with stricter gun control in the way in which they are sold to people. There's a whole mess of loopholes that allow people to get guns without background checks right now (the gun show loophole). We need to fix that before we worry about other things.
In addition, people need to stop being so damn blinded about these incidents. Most often, crimes of gun violence are NOT RELATED TO MENTAL ILLNESS. The Sandy Hook massacre was an act of terrorism, as was the event at Aurora. I'm sick of people trying to make excuses for these white folks saying "oh they're white they must have just been mentally ill in order to perform such a dreadful act" when that's not the case at all. It's offensive to mentally ill people, and it unfairly paints them as violent and dangerous, moments away from snapping and shooting up kids. I'm sorry, life doesn't work that way.
With the state of this country right now, nothing is going to stop gun violence outside of legislation along the lines of Switzerland, where more people are given guns and guns become more a staple of society and less seen as some sort of horrible, terrifying thing. The vast majority of people are level-headed and smart enough to not shoot up innocent people. If more people had guns, they'd be able to stop the assholes who WOULD shoot up people by simply drawing their own piece and taking out the criminal. Criminals will shoot people anyway. Might as well give folks a means to defend themselves. Like seriously. In addition, they act as a deterrent to crime. A criminal walking into a place with no guns will feel like a god among mortals, whereas a criminal walking into a place where most people are carrying a weapon would be and feel significantly less powerful. Right now, a hero in these situations is someone who risks or sacrifices his/her own life to protect others. With more guns given to people, a hero can be that one person who takes out the murderer BEFORE s/he kills a room full of first graders.
I see and understand the argument about guns being lethal and there existing less lethal means of handling such issues, but I'm also a firm believer in the death penalty in cases of murder. I don't like "life in prison without parole" because I believe that falls under cruel and unusual punishment. If you're going to kill the dude, why beat around the bush? If he's too dangerous to release back into society under any circumstances, why not just remove him from society entirely? I don't get that.
And the hypothetical situation of the kid stealing your wallet and then you shoot him is a terrible scare tactic. Nobody is going to actually kill somebody for stealing his wallet. But if the kid takes your wallet and you draw your gun on him, that kid's gonna hand the wallet back to you, or else he's gonna run. Just. Like. This issue is SO MUCH BIGGER than the fact that there are easier ways to deal with a petty thief, and I don't agree with comparing it to such. :I
//EDIT: ONE MORE THING. I am sick and tired of people hating on the police department, saying that it doesn't do its job. Those people are some of the bravest people in the world and you can sit here at your computer screen and tell THEM that THEY are doing nothing? Are you SERIOUS right now? They do the best job that they can. There aren't nearly enough police officers to man every street corner and every building across the nation and keep everything safe. Why the hell do people EXPECT that to be the case? I mean, seriously. How about you become a police officer and go through what they have to every single day for a year or so and then come back and tell me that they don't do their jobs well enough for you.