Posted 09 February 2013 - 01:11 AM
I know things have been really rough lately, and for that, I'm really, really sorry... But things will get better. I hope that--despite everything--today is wonderful and presents you with much joy and happiness! Even if Mom is not with us physically, she is with us in spirit and she is watching over you. Have a great day, especially for her; you know that she would want the best for you, and your smiles warm her heart. <3
To today, to another year, and to the many years to come,
Happy Birthday
With Love,
Posted 09 February 2013 - 01:54 AM
Happy Birthday Kai.
You are a true fighter with that you are/have overcome. I am deeply heartbroken by the loss of your mother, she may have gone but she will always be there watching over you. You can never be alone with people like us and Kain in your life.
I hope you have a good birthday and wish you well/
Posted 09 February 2013 - 03:10 PM
Who's Kai?
Tell me when it's Xanius' birthday. He's a really cool guy. Not like this Kai person everyones talking about. :>
[Today 07:02 PM] Kingroy: <.<
[Today 07:02 PM] Crimson Jazz: I know right!?!
[Today 07:02 PM] Kingroy: >.>
[Today 07:02 PM] Tengo Cash: Beiber is the man
Screw You ↑ You ↖ You ↗ You ↙ You → You ↓ You ↩ You ↪ You ↬ You ↫ You ↪ You ↩ You ↲ You ↯ You ↱ You ↰ You ↷ You ↳ You ↶ You ↴ You ↵ & You ↺
Posted 09 February 2013 - 03:33 PM
Happy birthday, Kai. Through all your hardships you made it yet another year. You're my inspiration, bro. I feel like a dick sometimes for getting down on myself when you've been fine going through worse, but the thought of your perseverance always lights a fire in me. You're arguably my favorite person in this place, if I had to pick a favorite. I'm not a man of prayer or God, but I've been praying for you. Keep calm and carry on. Keep it up and get more years. All the years. All of them.
Im dum.
Shhhhh. It's okay. We understand.
3DS Friend Code: 5069-3989-9578
Nintendo Network ID: Niroji
Steam: Musical Madman
Posted 09 February 2013 - 05:14 PM
Happy birthday, Kai! Many returns of the day. O:
May all the world's happiness be with you, my friend. I can't think of anyone else who deserves it more. You and your family are never far from thought when I pray. I hope things get better for you guys!
Posted 09 February 2013 - 07:33 PM