For my English class, I had to write a paper that analyzes and discusses a discourse community - a community geared that is often defined as having a single goal oriented mind that has disccusions solely through the use and analysis of written communication. I chose to use this site, cited as a gaming community as the topic of my paper. Why? It fits the description of a discourse community perfectly. We're all like minded people with similar interests that gather here daily to discuss things through the use of written communication - ie the shoutbox. What's more, we've known each other for so long that it makes perfect sense that we identify as a single, cohesive community.
In any case, I thought it was a little interesting to analyze our community through a different lens. I always just come here to talk and chill with my old friends but we are so much more than just a bunch of people gathering in a common place to talk. We're a living, breathing, well oiled and maintained community. :D