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#1 Secret Felix

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Posted 27 March 2010 - 10:12 PM

From EV training and IV breeding to the upcoming tournament, discuss all things Pokemon here. Some terms and conditions apply. Member FDOP.
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#2 Wynn



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Posted 27 March 2010 - 10:17 PM

<.< We're having a tournament? Is it HG/SS exclusive?

#3 Secret Felix

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Posted 27 March 2010 - 10:20 PM

Yes, and probably not. We need a large sample space to have a good tourney, and it appears not many people have HGSS.
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#4 Bunny



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Posted 28 March 2010 - 10:56 AM

I have Ruby, Fire Red, Leaf Green, and Diamond. Sadly I'm not too far in many of those... Wow I never realized how pitiful some of my Pokemon are... I soooo need to fix this.

But yes, Pokemon rock XD

And I may be able to find someone who wants to participate in your contest, Jolteon is a HUGE Pokemon fan.

Kingdom-Gaming, where up is down, down is triangle, and everybody hates Lexaeus.

Any dolt with half a brain
Can see that humankind has gone insane
To the point where I don’t know
If I’ll upset the status quo
If I throw poison in the water main

Revenge is the poison we drink expecting our enemies to die.

#5 cbchick



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Posted 28 March 2010 - 11:15 AM

I have Ruby, Fire Red, Leaf Green, and Diamond. Sadly I'm not too far in many of those... Wow I never realized how pitiful some of my Pokemon are... I soooo need to fix this.

But yes, Pokemon rock XD

And I may be able to find someone who wants to participate in your contest, Jolteon is a HUGE Pokemon fan.

i have fire red, leaf green, and diamond too lol havent got far in those either but i do enjoy playing them at times when im bored <3



"If You Were To Leave Me, I Would Be Just As Alone As You."

#6 Bunny



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Posted 28 March 2010 - 11:18 AM

Ruby is my favorite because it has Blaziken, mine kicks all comers butts lol.

I don't even remember where I am at in FireRed or LeafGreen! I feel really bad about that so I am going to have to play it later on if I don't get sidetracked by the blasted Gym puzzle in the Snowpoint Gym in Diamond... Blasted snowballs.

Kingdom-Gaming, where up is down, down is triangle, and everybody hates Lexaeus.

Any dolt with half a brain
Can see that humankind has gone insane
To the point where I don’t know
If I’ll upset the status quo
If I throw poison in the water main

Revenge is the poison we drink expecting our enemies to die.

#7 Sora



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Posted 28 March 2010 - 12:16 PM

I'm getting Diamond sometime this week. (:

#8 Rose



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Posted 28 March 2010 - 01:09 PM

Well like I have brought every pokemon game since they started coming out, but I have never beaten diamond. I'm ashamed of myself because of that fact and want to start the game over. Sadly I can't since I have some pokemon I really love in it, like all 3 of my starters :(. I was thinking about hosting a tourny for VBA Link of S/G/C before all this EV and IV stuff was relevant for the hell of it. Any one would be interested?
A girl, she sits alone on a pitch black night, sad, as nights dark veil descends, but low, the moon nestles into the sky, silvery and full, banishing the dark once it came, when dawn breaks, the night of atonement quietly departs

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I hate you more than Cole McGrath hates water.

In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight
Let those who worship evil's might,
Beware my power... Green Lantern's light!

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#9 Jolteon



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Posted 28 March 2010 - 01:41 PM

A pokemon toruney eh? I'd love to join this! I'd ask 'what're the rules' but I get the feeling this is still being planned out. I've got some ideas if you're willing! Just shoot me a PM.
Posted Image Bedtime....

#10 Shino



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Posted 28 March 2010 - 02:48 PM

Well like I have brought every pokemon game since they started coming out, but I have never beaten diamond. I'm ashamed of myself because of that fact and want to start the game over. Sadly I can't since I have some pokemon I really love in it, like all 3 of my starters :(.

I can hold them then trade them back to you if you want.

I was thinking about hosting a tourny for VBA Link of S/G/C before all this EV and IV stuff was relevant for the hell of it. Any one would be interested?

Count me in on this one. My Silver team is unstoppable.


Life is but a handful of dust - ANTHM

3 Years Gone. Still missing you, my dear friend. R.I.P Tynielle Silvera.

#11 Secret Felix

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Posted 01 April 2010 - 11:59 PM

The pokewalker course Yellow Forest became available today.

Surfing and flying pikachus, GOGOGO.
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#12 Wynn



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Posted 03 April 2010 - 08:12 PM

Would anyone actually use a Surfing/Flying Pickachu or just keep them for novelty?

Also, reminds me of the time I caught Mew on Red <.< Awesome glitch was awesome. He could learn every TM and HM plus had lolwtf stats. Swept through the Pokemon League back then with him iirc.

#13 Secret Igshar

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Posted 03 April 2010 - 09:55 PM

Would anyone actually use a Surfing/Flying Pickachu or just keep them for novelty?

Raichu's sp atk and attack are both pretty good. Couple that with Surf, which defeats its ONLY weakness (Ground) or Fly which evades all attacks (including Earthquake) and uh. It can be pretty nice.

Also, reminds me of the time I caught Mew on Red <.< Awesome glitch was awesome. He could learn every TM and HM plus had lolwtf stats. Swept through the Pokemon League back then with him iirc.

He wasn't glitched. >.> He really IS that good. First Pokemon ftmfw.

I want someone to explain this to me.

I was fighting Sabrina in HeartGold. I killed 2/3 pokes and was down to the level 55 Alakazam. I had 4 guys left (Espeon had Shadow Ball... poor Xatu...), with one of them having been killed by the Mr. Mime getting a crit with Psychic. v.v

ANYWAY. I was like oh, she sucks. I still had my Scizor with X-Scissor, so I decided to play with it with my level 52 Meganium.

Here's the numbers.

Meganium had 121/161 HP left after a Psychic. Light Screen was down.

Reflect wore off on her side. I used Light Screen, he used Reflect. I then used my THIRD X Sp. Def on my Meganium.

Alakazam uses Psychic. Critical hit. Meganium goes down. (118 Sp. Def, btw)

I call bullshit.

NOW, to add insult to this obvious glitch, I sent out my Scizor (lv. 50) next. I set up X-Scissor, Alakazam uses Psychic first. 23 damage. Scizor has 96 Sp. Def and had no X Sp. Def's used on him.

Explain to me how, albeit being NVE, a Psychic from a level 55 Alakazam can do 121 damage on a crit to Meganium with LS+3 Sp. Def buffs and yet do just 23 pitiful damage on a LS'd Scizor with 20 less Sp. Def.

Just. Ugh.

Edited by Rumbleroar, 05 April 2010 - 09:40 PM.


Kingroy: ( 4:40 PM - 02/10/14) u can't own black people

Kingroy: ( 4:40 PM - 02/10/14) #ThanksLincoln

#14 Bunny



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Posted 09 April 2010 - 05:34 PM

New Pokemon games coming out woohoo!

Pokemon Generation Five Named - Nintendo DS News at IGN

Edited by Bunny, 09 April 2010 - 05:38 PM.

Kingdom-Gaming, where up is down, down is triangle, and everybody hates Lexaeus.

Any dolt with half a brain
Can see that humankind has gone insane
To the point where I don’t know
If I’ll upset the status quo
If I throw poison in the water main

Revenge is the poison we drink expecting our enemies to die.

#15 Xylox



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Posted 12 April 2010 - 07:32 PM

What EV's and nature should my larvitar have to maximize it's potential?

#16 Secret Igshar

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Posted 12 April 2010 - 07:45 PM

What EV's and nature should my larvitar have to maximize it's potential?

Make it Adamant and max out Attack (252). The rest, you should aim for 203 Speed total, however many EV's you'd need for that according to the IV you get. The leftover should be dumped into HP. :>

203 + 1 Dragon Dance outruns lots of pokes like Salamence and such, as well as outrunning Garchomp, which is pretty cool.

Edited by Rumbleroar, 12 April 2010 - 08:00 PM.


Kingroy: ( 4:40 PM - 02/10/14) u can't own black people

Kingroy: ( 4:40 PM - 02/10/14) #ThanksLincoln

#17 Bunny



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Posted 12 April 2010 - 11:32 PM

New info on Pokemon Black and White!

Pokemon Black & White Debuts in Coro Coro - Nintendo DS News at IGN

Kingdom-Gaming, where up is down, down is triangle, and everybody hates Lexaeus.

Any dolt with half a brain
Can see that humankind has gone insane
To the point where I don’t know
If I’ll upset the status quo
If I throw poison in the water main

Revenge is the poison we drink expecting our enemies to die.

#18 Secret Igshar

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Posted 13 April 2010 - 07:46 PM

New info on Pokemon Black and White!

Pokemon Black & White Debuts in Coro Coro - Nintendo DS News at IGN

o-o All of that was mentioned on Serebii and Pokebeach on Saturday. Should keep one of them in your bookmarks for up-to-date Pokemon info. I prefer Serebii, since it has such amazing references, like a full pokedex and itemdex for the entire series. :>


Kingroy: ( 4:40 PM - 02/10/14) u can't own black people

Kingroy: ( 4:40 PM - 02/10/14) #ThanksLincoln

#19 Bunny



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Posted 13 April 2010 - 09:30 PM

Hmm good idea. I shall do that right now!

And is there any list of what Pokemon give what EV points? Arty said Serebii did but I can't find it anywhere.

Edited by Bunny, 13 April 2010 - 09:33 PM.

Kingdom-Gaming, where up is down, down is triangle, and everybody hates Lexaeus.

Any dolt with half a brain
Can see that humankind has gone insane
To the point where I don’t know
If I’ll upset the status quo
If I throw poison in the water main

Revenge is the poison we drink expecting our enemies to die.

#20 Shino



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Posted 13 April 2010 - 09:55 PM

Hmm good idea. I shall do that right now!

And is there any list of what Pokemon give what EV points? Arty said Serebii did but I can't find it anywhere.

Depends on what game you're talking about. I assume it's either D/P/Platz or HG/SS?

Diamond & Pearl

HP - Shellos/Bidoof - Valley Windworks
Attack - Machoke/Bibarel - Route 211 East
Defense - Graveler/Onix - Iron Mountain
Special Attack - Gastly/Haunter - Old Chateau
Special Defense - Tentacool/Tentacruel - Route 220 or anywhere you surf
Speed - Staravia/Pikachu - Trophy Garden

Heart Gold & Soul Silver

HP - Wooper/Quagsire - Union Cave
Attack - Goldeen/Seaking - Route 42
Defense - Geodude/Graveler/Skarmory/Gligar - Route 45
Special Attack - Mareep/Flaaffy/Girafarig - Route 43
Special Defense - Drowzee/Ditto/Tentacool/Tentacruel - Route 34
Speed - Ratata/Raticate/Meowth/Plusle/Minun - Routes 38 & 39

Hope that helps.


Life is but a handful of dust - ANTHM

3 Years Gone. Still missing you, my dear friend. R.I.P Tynielle Silvera.