Hey guys, what's up? It's been a while since we last played but I'm guy who was known as Daiguren (or Dai) back in the old KHInferno days. It's been a while since I've been on the site since the Inferno died and I started college (ugh).
Funny thing is that I was talking with Oblivion after the closing of the game and we were always talking how despite all of the new consoles and games that came out that our time playing the Inferno was arguably the best time I've had playing a game. We still talk about it even now. Well the real funny thing is that recently I've been trying to find a game as fun as the Inferno and all my Google searching lead me right back here feeling nostalgic.
Since I've been rambling I just wanna say what's up and how everyone's been doing. It's been a while.