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ISIS targeting America

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#1 Kingroy



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Posted 07 May 2015 - 01:55 PM



So supposedly ISIS has 71 soldiers scattered around America in the likes of Virginia (lol), Maryland, Michigan, Illinois, and Chicago. Okay.



Anybody else thinks this sounds stupid as shit?


I mean, sure they might have 71 people but to talk as if they're capable of making a full on attack? The worse we'll get, and I hope we don't have to deal with them, would be small terrorist plots like bombings and such.


Idk. These guys just seem like jackasses... You don't threaten America and expect Americans to fold. That's like the one time our hardy nature is a really good thing. 


But what I feel will hurt us? The fact that people will begin actively looking for ISIS, here. I'm not even talking about officials, but actual citizens. That's gonna lead to a lot more trouble, in my opinion.

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#2 Suzy Q

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Posted 07 May 2015 - 04:15 PM

I was expecting them to come to America somehow.. welp, time to move to Canada. Hope those ISIS members get caught and recieve the punishment they deserve.

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#3 Ralor



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Posted 07 May 2015 - 04:20 PM

You'd be surprised what an elite, trained agent is capable of, Roy. Especially if they stay covert about it.




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#4 Xanius


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Posted 07 May 2015 - 04:40 PM

There's probably more then 71. There's thousands of people already supporting ISIS in America and wanting to join them. A lot of people are already under surveillance by FBI and such. Government probably already knows some of these supposed 71 people. But wont make a move on it, why? Don't go and just get single agents. Learn their plans, see what they'll do, make a bigger bust then just a few individuals. That's how it works. We'll sacrifice a few people if it means getting to learn where their main leaders are.  Government has done worse then let a few civilians die to get a big fish.



#5 The Dream

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Posted 07 May 2015 - 08:46 PM

Not surprising. They have been stirring up a lot of crap in Australia and nobody assumed they would target a small country, and yet here they are. The real issue, however, is the way people are taking this information.


Learning that there are bunch of terrorists in your country is not a "be racist and bash people you dislike for free!" card. There are assholes here who now think it's ok to no allow religious communities to build religious structures for their worship. They also think it's ok to walk around wearing shirts that say "reclaim Australia".


In my opinion, a hardy and arrogant nature is what agitates tension and leads to a large messy pile of shit. What people need to do is protect each other and break stereotypes so that everyone can counter these terrorists together without having the odd asshole making the tasks harder than they already are.





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